Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

These are notes I jotted down while watching Joe Biden debate Sarah Palin tonight:

  • Paraphrasing Palin: "I may not be able to answer any questions, but doggone it, I can stick to my script!"
  • She can’t stay on the fucking subject.
  • She’s babbling again.
  • It’s good to know McCain and Palin won’t forbid gay people from making and signing contracts. Um, was that even on the table?
  • The press will roast her for repeatedly changing the subject and keeping to her script.
  • She’s temporizing. Biden is eviscerating her.
  • I never thought I’d think of "adorable" as a hateful word.
  • OK, so being a mom qualifies her to be the Vice President? Also, how is Alaska part of the "heartland"?